Encounters with DAYHAB. OFFICIAL DAYHAB CHILD WITHIN NEWSLETTER WORKING TOWARDS OUR GREATER GOOD Mindfulness An examination of the child withins over-developed sense of self and the hijacking of our adult being. The journey out of the basement of childhood into adulthood is often avoided at all costs. Dissociation becomes the norm either as substance abuse or risky behaviour, over eating. Meditations,Contemplations and Spiritual Wellbeing Centre


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: CHILD WITHIN NEWSLETTER: I believe in a "Self-maker God" who is evolving and experimenting
Author: Fraser Trevor
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NEWSLETTER DISCUSSION FORUM WHAT DO YOU THINK! Orthodox theory conceives human personality as the product of a person's genetic ma...

Orthodox theory conceives human personality as the product of a person's genetic material inherited from his ancestors through his parents, and the modifying influences of his prenatal and postnatal environment. But I found that some cases cannot be satisfactorily explained by genetics, environmental influences, or a combination of these. I am speaking of such things as early childhood phobias, about uncanny abilities that seem to develop spontaneously, of children convinced that they are the wrong sex, congenital deformities, differences between one-egg twins, and even such matters as irrational food pre-preference directly linked the phobias and addictions of children to traumas that transpired in the lives of people these children claim to have been. Are you talking about aspects of their personalities that heredity does not explain? you will find cases of children acting as if they did not belong in their families. They treat parents and siblings with indifference, even hostility. This phenomenon is usually thought to have been caused by infantile trauma. Some theorists even try to explain it as the result of parents rejecting the child--before it has been born. Researchers look to the parents for the first cause. Comparatively little attention is given to the child, even though there is evidence that some children reject their parents before the parents have a chance to reject them. I suggest that such behaviour could result from unhappy experiences in a previous life. I cannot emphasise too strongly that a child who is going to remember a previous life has only about three years in which he will talk about it. Before the age of two or three he lacks the ability. After five, too much else will be happening in his life, and he will begin to forget. I don't believe in the watchmaker God, the original creator who built the watch and then lets it tick. I believe in a "Self-maker God" who is evolving and experimenting; so are we as parts of Him. Bodies wear out; souls may need periods for rest and reflection. Afterwards one may start again with a new body.Recently, a small number of psychologists and philosophers have begun to ask whether mind can ever be fully explained in terms of brain functioning. Precognition is just a clearer idea of a possible future. Imagine a person in a canoe paddling down a river. Around the corner are rapids he doesn't see. Someone on the cliff above, seeing the whole river, can see what's likely to happen to that person. At any point, of course, the canoeist might pull over to the bank. He doesn't have to go over the rapids.
What is interesting about precognition, telepathy, or any other form of paranormal communication is the number or people who believe they've had at least one experience: between ten and seventeen percent in the United Slates and Great Britain, according to some surveys. Most can be put down to coincidence, suppressed memories, or any number of plausible explanations. You can discount ninety-five percent of these cases; but for an impressive number there is no natural explanation. Present understanding of our brains leaves no room for these phenomena. In Memories, Dreams, and Reflections, Carl Jung wrote that as a boy he remembered in great detail being a very old man in the eighteenth century.

Child Within

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