Encounters with DAYHAB. OFFICIAL DAYHAB CHILD WITHIN NEWSLETTER WORKING TOWARDS OUR GREATER GOOD Mindfulness An examination of the child withins over-developed sense of self and the hijacking of our adult being. The journey out of the basement of childhood into adulthood is often avoided at all costs. Dissociation becomes the norm either as substance abuse or risky behaviour, over eating. Meditations,Contemplations and Spiritual Wellbeing Centre


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: True guilt is guilt at the obligation one owes to oneself to be oneself. False guilt is guilt felt at not being what other people feel one ought to be or assume that one is. Moderate feelings of guilt are beneficial because they encourage the individual to do the right thing
Author: Fraser Trevor
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The Scottish psychologist R.D. Laing once said: True guilt is guilt at the obligation one owes to oneself to be oneself. False guilt is gui...

The Scottish psychologist R.D. Laing once said: True guilt is guilt at the obligation one owes to oneself to be oneself. False guilt is guilt felt at not being what other people feel one ought to be or assume that one is. Moderate feelings of guilt are beneficial because they encourage the individual to do the right thing. If nobody felt guilty about anything it would likely lead to a fearful world and it could even threaten the survival of the human species. There is also a more negative form of guilt which is excessive and harmful. This refers to a situation where the individual carries a sense of guilt around with them most of the time. The reasons for why the individual may become a victim of excessive guilt include: They have a poor self image. It can be a sign of mental health difficulties. Some people fall into negative thinking and this tends to include guilt. The individual has been a victim of physical or sexual abuse. Unhealthy relationships can leave people with feelings of guilt. Excessive stress. Alcohol or drug abuse.

Child Within

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